What is Dry Needling And Why it Works

dry needling treatment

Dry Needling Treatment | Each dry needle creates a small and precise ‘lesion’ in the tissue of the muscle at the point of insertion. The lesion is interpreted as a minor injury by the brain, which triggers a sequence of events to replace or repair the ‘damaged’ muscle with new, healthy tissue. This is referred to as the ‘twitch response’.

Once the twitch response is elicited, the muscle fibres in the trigger point begin to relax, any inflammation begins to gradually reduce, circulation improves and the muscle can commence the process of returning to normal function.

These responses – enhanced circulation, reduced inflammation and relaxed muscular tissue – make dry needling a particularly effective addition to a broader rehabilitation treatment plan. Dry needling plays a key role in the process that then allows a patient to rehabilitate injury through normal movement, retraining, and specific exercise prescription.

What causes knotted muscles or trigger points?

Knotted muscles or trigger points develop when a muscle contracts but doesn’t relax. This muscle contraction can pinch blood vessels and nerves as well as create a hard, painful knot.

But what causes these knots? In general, trigger points develop from;

  • Poor posture
  • Chronic stress
  • Repetitive movements
  • Lifting heavyweights
  • Injury
  • Lack of exercise
  • Tense muscles

Trigger points most often develop due to inactivity which is why people that sit at a desk for their job often suffer from back pain. Lack of exercise and prolonged sitting or bed rest can make your muscles weak and therefore more likely to develop a knot.

What is a Dry Needling Treatment?

A dry needling treatment involves inserting small, acupuncture-like needles into the knotted muscle. This helps to relax the muscle, reduces inflammation, boosts blood flow and helps to create a healing response in your body.

Our Approach to Dry Needling

At Osteocare Craigieburn, dry needling is commonly used in conjunction with a range of other hands-on treatment modalities to better facilitate your recovery.

Dry needling is an efficient and effective treatment for various muscular dysfunctions. When employed alongside additional manual therapies as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, dry needling can contribute to:

    • Increased energy levels.
    • Greater mobility and flexibility.
    • Better sleep and an enhanced sense of general wellbeing.
    • Improved muscle activation.
    • Enhanced rehabilitation response following surgery.

After assessment and consultation, our specialists determine whether dry needling will feature as part of your individual treatment plan.

Health Benefits

1. Pain relief from tense muscles

As the knots in your body relax and blood flow improves from the dry needling treatment, the pain will start to reduce. This is because acidic waste is carried away from your muscle through better circulation of your blood. Better circulation means that your muscle will receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to heal itself.

Your treatment plan will vary depending on the severity of the pain and the number of knotted muscles you have. Some people will feel instant relief after just one session, others will require a series of dry needling treatments to receive optimal pain relief.

2. Improve chronic conditions

If you suffer from either fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome, a dry needling treatment can help to relieve symptoms.

Fibromyalgia results in widespread pain in your muscles. This pain usually affects the way you move which then results in excessive knots. A lot of people with Fibromyalgia report significant improvement in their pain after a dry needling treatment.

Those with myofascial pain syndrome have knots that develop in the fascia, which is a sheet of connective tissue that surrounds all of your muscles. Physiotherapy and dry needling are the two most popular treatments for relieving this chronic condition.

3. Improve your range of motion

If you have multiple knots in one particular body part you may experience a very limited range of motion. And if you don’t exercise or stay active, those muscles could further weaken.

The best way to combat this and regain your range of motion is with a dry needling treatment coupled with physical therapy. Physical therapy will help you to regain strength and restore your range of motion while the dry needling helps to reduce the knots.

Choose OsteoCare Craigieburn

If you’re ready to reap the benefits that come along withthis treatment give us a call on 1800 067 836 or visit our clinic at Level 1, 31 Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn.