Category Archives: Uncategorized

Need an Osteopath Near Attwood? Take a Look at How OsteoCare Craigieburn Can Help You

osteopath near Attwood

Body aches are a normal part of our everyday lives. While they’re hardly life-threatening, they can hinder productivity, affect your mood, and impact the other facet of your health. Fortunately, an osteopath near Attwood is ready to solve your pain problems. Discover what and how Osteocare Craigieburn can improve your quality of life by treating…

What Is Physitrack and How It’s Used to Treat Patients

what is physitrack

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth across the globe. One solution that’s making the rounds in the market today is Physitrack. Learn what Physitrack is, how it can help clinicians, and how it benefits patients. What is Physitrack? Physitrack is a patient engagement solution that uses cloud-based technology to deliver health-related content beyond…

Northern Osteopathic Clinic – We Answer 10 of The Most Frequently Asked

Northern Osteopathic Clinic

Our northern osteopathic clinic answers 10 of the most frequently asked questions. Based on a workforce survey, a whopping 3.9 million patients consult osteopaths annually, resulting in three million hours of services delivered. That said, osteopathic treatment is becoming a key part of supplementary care. A northern osteopathic clinic answers the ten most pressing questions…

Remedial Massage Treatment – How it Can Help You Achieve a Great Night’s Sleep

remedial massage treatment

Looking for a ‘massage specialist near me’ to help you sleep better? Research reveals that a whopping 59.4% of Australians are sleep deprived due to at least one chronic sleep symptom. The result is that nearly 6 of 10 adults are unhappy and living a poor quality of life. Sleep is one of the four…

Shockwave Therapy Melbourne – What Is It and How Can It Help?

Shockwave Therapy Melbourne

How Can It Help? People first heard of radial shockwave therapy in 1980. During this period, it’s used to pulverize kidney stones. It wasn’t until the early 2000s that the US Food and Drug Administration approved it to treat plantar fasciitis and lateral epicondylitis or “tennis elbow.” Since then, this treatment method has been widely…

Chronic Pain Treatment for Lower Limbs With Osteopathy

chronic pain treatment

Overuse injuries in the lower limb are a common presentation to Osteopaths. Many can be managed with a change in training volume, as well as a basic home rehab program. Chronic or persistent injuries may require professional input. Take a moment to read how chronic pain treatment for lower limbs can be helped with osteopathy….

How to Treat Sciatic Pain Effectively With Osteopathy

How to Treat Sciatic Pain

According to Harvard Medical School, as many as 40% of people will experience sciatica, and 90% of the cases are caused by herniated disks. It’s often overlooked because people mistake it for common back pain. However, if left alone, it may evolve into a chronic condition. To avoid this from happening, here’s an in-depth guide…

Treating Fluid Retention in Pregnancy – The Safe Approach

Treating fluid retention

The journey to motherhood is a treasured and beautiful experience. But it’s also of pain, struggle, and lots of adjustments due to the changes in the body. One of these is fluid retention that affects many pregnant women. If you want to know the ways of treating fluid retention, here’s in-depth content about it. What…