A deep tissue massage is a form of massage therapy wherein a therapist applies slow but firm strokes of pressure to the muscles and tissues. This is to break muscle knots and scar tissue formed after an injury, relieving the problematic areas of tension and tightness. This type of massage focuses on specific goals, such…
Monthly Archives: July 2021
Body aches are a normal part of our everyday lives. While they’re hardly life-threatening, they can hinder productivity, affect your mood, and impact the other facet of your health. Fortunately, an osteopath near Attwood is ready to solve your pain problems. Discover what and how Osteocare Craigieburn can improve your quality of life by treating…
The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth across the globe. One solution that’s making the rounds in the market today is Physitrack. Learn what Physitrack is, how it can help clinicians, and how it benefits patients. What is Physitrack? Physitrack is a patient engagement solution that uses cloud-based technology to deliver health-related content beyond…
Our northern osteopathic clinic answers 10 of the most frequently asked questions. Based on a workforce survey, a whopping 3.9 million patients consult osteopaths annually, resulting in three million hours of services delivered. That said, osteopathic treatment is becoming a key part of supplementary care. A northern osteopathic clinic answers the ten most pressing questions…